Income of budgets of municipal institutions and some problems of administration of local taxes in Altay territory

  • Frolkin V.S.


The Basis of budgets of many municipal institutions is local taxes — the land tax and the tax to property of individuals. Property taxes depend on the world’s pricing conjuncture and the organization’s financial state much less than resource payments or profit taxes and the VAT do, that’s why they are more stable source of profits for the budget. In the whole the order of administration of property taxes in the Russian Federation and foreign countries is mostly identical: local governments establish tax rates and tax privileges, and the definition of tax basis is function of public authorities. However, the functions of registing the real estate objects and the estimation of their cost have been given to various agencies in Russia, but in many foreign countries they are concentrated in one body. In the article we consider some problems of local taxes administration and the ways of their salvation in one of the RF subjects — the Altay territory.